chakra info
The etheric body is an energy body of very fine vibration that totally surrounds the physical body. The etheric body absorbs finer levels of energy from the universe, and transforms this energy through the chakras into the physical body via the endocrine glands. The endocrine system controls the hormone balance in the body, which has a powerful effect on a person's moods and emotions as well as their physical well being.
Each chakra "governs" a specific area of the physical body as well as specific thought patterns and emotions. Our entire being - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual - wants to be in perfect health, balance and peace. If our life force energy is low or out of balance we are more susceptible to dis-ease or stress. Through different types of energy work (reiki, crystals & gemstones, pranayama, etc.) one's life force energy is increased and balanced within the chakras promoting health and over all well being.
What is a Chakra?
the seven main chakras
seventh or crown chakra
stones: amethyst, crystal quartz, lepidolite
location: top and center of head
governs: pineal gland, cerebral cortex, upper brain, right eye
emotional & mental aspects: connection to Spirit, Divine, Universal Wisdom, Integration of all chakras, overcome self-limitations
sixth or brow chakra
stones: lapis lazuli, sodalite, iolite
location: point between eyebrows
governs: pituitary gland, nervous system, cerebellum, left eye, nose, sinus, ears
emotional & mental aspects: intuition, clairvoyance, soul realization, connects right & left hemispheres of brain - insight & intelligence
fifth or throat chakra
stones: turquoise, amazonite, peruvian opal, blue lace agate, aquamarine, larimar
location: throat area
governs: thyroid, parathyroid, vocal chords respiratory system, bronchial, jaw, mouth, neck, shoulders
emotional & mental aspects: communication, expression of true Self and emotion through creativity, knowledge, sound
fourth or heart chakra
stones: peridot, green jade, tourmaline, copper jasper, serpentine, rose quartz
location: center of chest
governs: heart, thymus, lungs, circulatory & immune systems, blood, upper back, shoulders,ribcage, arms, hands
emotional & mental aspects: love, faith, devotion, balance, compassion, healing by acceptance & forgiveness
third or solar plexus chakra
stones: citrine, aragonite, yellow jade, honey jade
location: below sternum, above navel
governs: digestive system, spleen, stomach, gallbladder, liver, pancreas
emotional & mental aspects: identity, ego, will, personal power
second or sacral chakra
stones: carnelian, moonstone
location: lower abdomen
governs: reproductive system, bladder, kidney, spleen, liver, all body fluids
emotional & mental aspects: change, pleasure, sexuality, creativity
first, root or base chakra
stones: garnet, red agate, ruby, poppy jasper, red tiger's eye
location: base of spine, perineum
governs: adrenal glands, prostrate, spinal column, colon, intestines, anus, bones, teeth, nails
emotional & mental aspects: survival, security, grounding, manifestation, physical vitality, connection to earth & nature
chakra affirmations
7th Chakra, Crown - connection to Spirit and Universe, integration of all chakra energies
I receive an abundance of goodness from the Universe. I am connected to Divine Guidance.
I am one with the Whole.
6th Chakra, Third Eye - balance intellect and intuition
I listen and trust my deepest insights. I live in the truth of my grace, beauty and intelligence.
5th Chakra, Throat - communication, creative expression, truth
It is safe for me to express my feelings, truth and creativity.
I do so with joy and clarity.
4th Chakra, Heart - self love, compassion, faith
I love and approve of myself unconditionally. I am Love.
3rd Chakra, Solar Plexus - personal power, identity, will
I honor and respect all aspects of myself. I am at peace.
2nd Chakra, Sacral - creativity, sexuality, change
I invite and celebrate pleasure, creativity and sensuality in my life. I am a joyful being.
1st Chakra, Root - grounding, physical security, vitality
I am grateful for the abundance and support that Mother Earth provides. All is well.